As you probably know if you subscribe to my site, I've recently taken a huge stride forward in my adventure with my book, Wainscot on the Heloise.
I've signed a publishing deal!
I'll be giving you more details as we move along, but right now we're at the beginning of the editing process, and I've provided examples of my illustrations to the publisher's art director to see if any of them are suitable for the cover.
This is all new and incredibly exciting to me, but I recognize that the nuts and bolts of getting my book ready for publication might not hold the same level of interest for all you people out in Blogland as they do for me, so I'll leave it at that until I have any updates on my progress.
But I do have another bit of news that is also very thrilling. (Ok, I might be using the words 'exciting' and 'thrilling' a little promiscuously, but they just so perfectly describe how I'm feeling about all of this.)
Well, anyway, here's the other news:
I've begun writing a sequel to Wainscot on the Heloise.
I'm only about 40 pages in at this stage, but I'm thoroughly enjoying getting back into the world of the rats and their ship. I won't tell you much about the plot or the characters, because (almost) all of you have not read Wainscot on the Heloise yet, and I don't want to give anything away, but it picks up right where Heloise left off, and takes the furry little protagonists to new and exciting places (sorry - I said 'exciting' again).
At some point, probably in the near future, I'll post some excerpts from the new one on my site.
In the meantime I'll keep writing, and working with the editor to make Wainscot on the Heloise as good as it can possibly be before we share it with all of you.
Take care,